After more than 1500 years, the Catholic Church has recently decided to allow what has been thought to be the remains of the early Christian martyrs, Chrysanthus and Daria, to be examined by scientists and historians, and apparently the results are in the affirmitive.
Chrysanthus was born in Egypt and his father brought him back to Rome where he was educated in the finest manner of the era, including the paganism of his day. After reading books that criticized Christianity, he wanted to read Christian writings for himself. He got hold of the New Testament and began reading the Acts of the Apostles.1
“Seeking someone to instruct him in the Holy Scriptures, he found the presbyter Carpophoros hiding from persecution, and received holy Baptism from him. After this, he began to preach the Gospel. Chrysanthus' father tried to turn his son from Christianity, and finally married him to Daria, a priestess of Minerva” whom he managed to convert to Christ.2
After suffering much persecution for their faith and evangelistic efforts, they were eventually both buried alive.
According to the Daily Mail Reporter, "Two skeletons discovered in a crypt in an Italian cathedral are those of Christian saints who were martyred in ancient Rome, experts have claimed. Scientists say all the evidence suggests the bones do belong to Chrysanthus and Daria, who were killed in 283AD for spreading Christianity."3